We know the impact of every single detail when thousands are watching. This is why, we make purposeful efforts to describe, analyze, and create an explanation of any event – that inspires every person watching it. Our narration of stories through dance is what makes us stand apart from the rest. Propelled by our core values of excellence, and creativity, we are committed to ensure each event is a show of opulence and grandeur. Our intense performance and the innovative format of our shows make for an unforgettable impression. In short, this is our dramatic, visual and engaging version of any historical evidence.
Negotiating between the past and present, we breathe life into any historical or political event and dynamically re-create them.

Multimedia Spectacles
Our Services
Negotiating between the past and present, we breathe life into any historical or political event and dynamically re-create them.

Navratri 2011

White Rann
Dhordo - Kutch

Umiya Mata


Kankaria Carnival
Business with Us
Our passion for dance is what drives us. By sharing the power and joy of dance – we inspire our audiences with the highest calibre of artistic excellence on stage. We enjoy the most daunting challenges, because we thrive on finding their solutions
Find us here
83/1. Government, H colony. Near Nehrunagar 380015 Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
+91 98795 66268
Join me in this mission dedicated to encouraging you in the art of beauty and dance. I have a rich history of providing impeccable choreography and invite you to learn more about our full professional services